I never really knew what career i wanted to follow in life but one thing that i knew for sure was that i wanted to make a lot of money and be free from slavery at the same time.
I hated the idea of working for some one and making that person or persons rich of my sweat,but it was inevitable i had to start some where,so i became a employee/slave.
I started out in the worst industry ever known to africans,the diamond industry,they say diamonds are forever,i say diamonds are forever slavery!
Six whole years i was exploited by this diamond polishing factories,getting paid peanuts until i got fed up and started my own small businesses,now that was some difficult shit!
It literally felt like trying to safe a sinking ship,you blocked one hole and another starts licking,i think i age 9 years prematurely in that time period,so i gave up and decided to search for something that does not involve employees and shitty clients.
Thats how i came across online businesses,OK there was also a little bit of desperation involved,i was 25, broke and out of a job,but hey!! desperation or inspiration?it doesn't matter as long you get driven to find solutions.
So i found something that works for me,making money online,i don't answer to a boss and neither do i have employees for whom i am responsible for.
i love it so much it that i am giving it away for free to you,what can i say i am a generous guy!
follow this blog to learn how i am making myself a beautiful monthly income that says F you to my former employers!
This blog will also motivate you to take action to change your financial situation for the better,here is a little something to get you startedclick here